Daffodils were blooming — the perfect sign of SPRING.
We had a fairly cool and overcast day to work on the landscaped areas of the HES grounds. The rain held off all morning until the work was done. Some folks worked from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. Others dropped in here and there and stayed as much as they could before heading out to other events.
The first order of business was MULCH. A new pile of mulch had just been delivered for the occasion and it needed to be spread over many areas of the campus. Kids and adults chipped in with shovels and wheelbarrows. Some preferred just to camp out on MULCH MOUNTAIN.
Other workers cut back the liriope that’s in the brick planting bed in front of the cafeteria. With liriope, the leaves get brown and wilted over the winter, so it’s ideal to remove previous year’s growth. We have already seen new pale green shoots coming up to fill in.
We had many families come to help. HES PTA is grateful that people chose to spend part of their Saturday working to make the campus grounds look lovely for everyone.
We also appreciated the donation of two new rhododendron bushes. These plants are a great addition since the evergreen leaves stick around all year … and you get flowers in May.
With new mulch to keep down the weeds, and clean-up of all the remaining fall leaves, there won’t be as much maintenance needed during the next few months. Look for some more improvements to be added in the next few weeks. We plan to add a few annuals for color that will last all summer.
Keep in mind, there are other times you can help out with the HES grounds. We typically have a garden day 2-3 times a year, but there are always jobs to do here and there. If you would like to be part of helping keep the campus looking good on your own time, please contact the HES PTA Grounds Committee and we can connect you with a task (or tasks) that fit with your schedule.
Thanks to all the families that participated in the SPRING 2018 event The teachers and staff very much appreciate all the effort that goes into campus beautification. And believe it or not, the students notice it too!