HES PTA sponsored a welcome back breakfast for the 2017-2018 school year, complete with pastries from Lexie’s Bakery! Hope we were able to kick off a great year!
One the first day of school, Orange County Schools Superintendent Dr. Todd Wirt gives a “tumb’s up” to HES’s new dolphin mascot “SPLASH”!
READ-A-THON 2017-2018
READ-A-THON Kick-off Assembly
In honor of the 2017-2018 READ-A-THON, Mrs. Shopmyer surveyed students about what they liked to READ.
She asked student in each grade about their favorite GENRE — a category of literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
Here’s what they chose in order of favorites:

students enjoyed a dance party in the gym
at the end of the school day on Friday, Sept. 15th
READING a TOTAL of 212,306 minutes!!!
Career Day – Focus on Science and Technology, October 2017

Joshua Hunt from Orange County Schools, NC discussed web design, coding, graphic design and creativity.

Robin Anders from Buzz Hoot Roar talked with the 4th grade about science writing, ants and spiders.

Sarah McRae discussed her work as a biologist and the National Fish and Wildlife Service.

Kurtis Keller shared how he helps develop technology for new medical devices and virtual reality with First and Fifths graders.
Scholastic Book Fair set up — before and after!
Volunteers work quickly to transform the library into a book store
Gandalf the Gray (a.k.a Mr. Kaji) directs traffic in car rider line
November 11th, 2017
The Giving Tree
HES families spread a little cheer this holiday season by adopting a tag from our Giving Tree. Each tag represents a wish item or clothing item for a student in need.